MobiDB-lite is an optimized method for highly specific predictions of long intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). The method uses 8 different predictors to derive a consensus which is filtered for spurious short predictions in a second step. MobiDB-lite can be useful in large-scale annotation scenarios and has indeed already been integrated in the MobiDB, DisProt and InterPro databases. Download HereImplementations
MobiDB (1) was designed to offer a centralized resource for annotations of intrinsic protein disorder. The database features three levels of annotation: manually curated, indirect and predicted. MobiDB.DisProt
DisPot (2) is a community resource annotating protein sequences for intrinsically disorder regions from the literature. DisProt.InterPro
InterPro (3) provides functional analysis of proteins by classifying them into families and predicting domains and important sites. InterPro.Technology
MobiDB-lite is a resource combining 8 predictors in a consensus. IUPred (4) long and short, GlobPlot (5), DisEMBL (6) hot loops and 465 and the 3 flavors of ESpritz (7). The executables of these 8 predictors are launched and their output managed by a Python 2.7.11 wrapper.Dataset
All UniProt sequences with at least one X-ray annotation in MobiDB (Di Domenico et al., 2012) were downloaded on the May 13, 2013 (25 833 entries).Similar chains were removed at 90% pairwise sequence identity using CD-HIT (101 338 chains reduced to 24 669). For more details on the different datasets see (8).Citing MobiDB-lite
Necci M, Piovesan D, Clementel D, Dosztányi Z, Tosatto SCE. MobiDB-lite 3.0: fast consensus annotation of intrinsic disorder flavors in proteins. Bioinformatics. 2020.
Other references
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